Seeking the CTV-PAC Endorsement
How does it work?
After filing for candidacy with the State of Michigan, those who are running for State House seats and higher will receive a notice with the opportunity to fill out our endorsement questionnaire. Endorsements can only be considered if questionnaires are returned fully completed. CTV-PAC does not always get involved in primary races, and rarely in races for offices lower than State House. To reach out for more details, contact us with the form below.
Examples of races we consider for endorsement:
- U.S. Senate
- U.S. House of Representatives
- Governor
- Secretary of State
- Attorney General
- State Senate
- State House
Got Questions?
Curious about our endorsement process? Reach out to us with the form below.
"*" indicates required fields
Paid for with regulated funds by Citizens for Traditional Values Political Action Committee, PO Box 80925, Lansing, MI 48908.