Reach Out
We would love to hear from you!
The joy of this ministry comes from contact with people like you. Whether you are a long time friend of CTV or just meeting us for the first time, we would love to hear from you. We have many opportunities for you to become politically involved to defend traditional values in your community, and if this organization is something you believe in we would love to send you some information on how you can join our team financially.
Do not forget, it is your privilege as an American citizen to be involved in the political happenings of this great nation. But it is also your responsibility to put the right people in office and hold them accountable. It is to your benefit to let your voice be heard, so get involved today.
Let us help equip and serve you as we work together to make God’s values known to this generation!
(517) 321-1390
P.O. Box 80295
Lansing MI 48908-0295