CTV-PAC Endorsement
Dear Candidate:
The following is a questionnaire from Citizens for Traditional Values – Political Action Committee (CTV PAC), a statewide independent committee working at the grassroots level providing endorsements to inform citizens of conservative candidates who pledge to uphold traditional family values, preserve the sanctity of life, and work to retain our constitutional right to Freedom of Religion, educational choice and limited government. CTV has been responsible for helping to get conservative candidates in office for over 30 years.
If you would like to be considered for an endorsement by CTV for the 2020 Election Cycle, please complete the following questionnaire in full, including the information page. It is important that your responses are clearly marked on the questionnaire and filled out completely so that our PAC board fully understands your responses. Blank responses will negatively affect the endorsement process. To submit optional, yet brief clarifying comments, please email a separate numbered document to attention Lynn O’Brien.
Questionnaire responses are used to determine endorsements only and are not shared with the public, media groups, or other organizations. Candidates who respond may be asked to attend a personal interview with a member of our PAC board.
Deadline for Submission: Friday, June 12, 2020. All questionnaires must be submitted or postmarked by this date to be considered for an endorsement.
Thank you in advance for your completing our questionnaire and joining us across the State of Michigan as we seek to inform voters of conservative, pro-life, pro-religious freedom legislators. For any questions, please click the link below to contact us.
God Bless and be safe.
James Muffett Lynn O’Brien
CTV President Outreach & Program Development Director